Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 3 Assignment 1

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a tool for identifying students who may need to be tested for special education.  The teacher provides targeted instruction in addition to the regular classroom instruction.  All students start of Tier I, those students who need additional intervention is moved to Tier II.  With a team of teachers, a plan is laid out to track student progress and is reported in intervals.  If intervention strategies are not indicating student progress, the student is referred for testing.  The RtI process maybe long and requires a lot of paperwork; however, it is needed.  As teachers, we do not need to place students into special education when they do not have a learning disability.  Some students just need additional small group instruction or tutoring.

I am not familiar with NAEP, but to my understanding it sands for National Assessment of Educational Progress.  It focuses on reading.  This assessment examines the student's connection of the test to previous knowledge and experiences.  I guess this would be teaching students to connect text to text, text to self, and text to real-world.  According to the reading, NAEP also examines how students compare and contrast, evaluate, and analysis cause and effect.  These are the higher level of Blooms.

1 comment:

  1. RTI is commonly known as a 3 Tiered model consisting of three tiers of instructional processes. If intervention strategies from Tier 2 are not indicating student progress, the student is normally referred to Tier 3 intervention and if the student still remains irresponsive, then he or she would be referred to special ed.
