Student did not have any prior knowledge regarding whales and fish. While reading the passage, the student had 8 miscues. Out of the 8 miscues, two were teacher corrections. The student also had 5 self corrections. This score has a total accuracy at the instructional level. The rate was 11,820/258 = 45.8 WMP. The Correct WPM is (197-8)x60 = 11340/258 = 43 CWPM.
However if I include the 5 self-corrections, student is at the instructional total accuracy level. Yet at a frustration level at the total acceptability level. The correct WPM would be (197-13)x60 = 11040/258 = 42.7 CWPM.
The student recalled 15 ideas and was only able to answer 4 out of the 8 questions about the story. She did answer the explicit of the fins being on the tail and backs. She answered the explicit, knowing the whales and fish are alike because they have fins. She also answered the explicit that the whales and fish are different size and they babies eat differently when they are born. The student answered one implicit. She knew that whales and fish have similaritiest and differences.
Great analysis. What would be the instructional decision based on the assessment results?